Mastering Git in 7 Days: A Simple Guide
Day 1: Getting Started with Git
Before diving into Git commands, it’s important to understand its purpose. What is Git? Why is Git used?
Git is a version control system that tracks changes in files and allows collaboration among developers. To begin:
- Install Git: Download and install Git on your computer. Configure your username and email globally to identify your commits.
git config --global "Your Name" |
You can go through this Git Installation Documentation
- Initialize a Git Repository: Navigate to your project folder in the terminal and initialize a new Git repository or to clone an existing repository.
git init |
Initializing a Repository should be done after knowing more about repositories
- Add Files and Commit:
- Add files to the staging area.
git add . |
- Commit changes with a meaningful message.
git commit -m “Initial commit” |
Git Basics – Recording Changes to the Repository is also about knowing the status of your file and processes it goes through.
Day 2: Exploring Git Basics
Understanding Git branches is crucial for project organization and collaboration.
- Create and Switch Branches:
- Create a new branch.
git branch <branch-name> |
- Switch to the new branch.
git checkout <branch-name> |
To really understand the way Git does branching you can consult with Git Branching – Branches in a Nutshell
- Merge Branches:
- Merge changes from one branch into another.
git merge <branch-name> |
Here is the link for branching and merging with a workflow which will help you understand and do things better Git Branching – Basic Branching and Merging
- Check Repository Status:
- View modified files and staging status.
git status |
Git Basics – Recording Changes to the Repository
Day 3: Working with Remote Repositories
Git facilitates collaboration by allowing you to work with remote repositories.
- Connect to Remote Repository:
- Link your local repository to a remote repository (e.g., on GitHub or GitLab)
git remote add origin <remote-url> |
- Push and Pull Changes:
- Push changes from your local repository to the remote repository.
git push origin <branch-name> |
- Pull changes from the remote repository to your local repository.
git pull origin <branch-name> |
To be able to collaborate on any Git project, you need to know how to manage your remote repositories. This documentation will help you. Git Basics – Working with Remotes
Day 4: Resolving Merge Conflicts
As you collaborate with others on Git projects, conflicts may arise when merging branches. Here’s how to resolve them:
- Identify Conflicts
After attempting a merge, Git will notify you of conflicts.
git status |
View the conflicted files to understand the conflicting changes.
- Resolve Conflicts
Open the conflicted files in your code editor. Git marks the conflicting lines within the files.
Manually resolve the conflicts by editing the files to keep the desired changes.
After resolving conflicts, stage the modified files.
git add <resolved-file> |
- Complete the merge process.
git merge --continue |
For a detailed walkthrough on resolving conflicts, refer to Git Basics – Resolving Merge Conflicts.
Day 5: Git History and Time Travel
- View Commit History
Check the commit history to understand project changes and contributors.
git log |
Use options like –oneline, –graph, or –decorate for a more concise or graphical view.
- Time Travel with Git
Navigate through commit history to revert changes or create new branches from past commits.
git checkout < commit-hash > |
- Create a new branch based on a specific commit.
git checkout -b <new-branch> <commit-hash> |
Explore It’s time-traveling features in-depth with Git’s Commit History and Time Traveling documentation.
Day 6: Git Workflow Strategies
Establishing an effective Git workflow enhances collaboration and project management.
- Choose a Workflow
Select a Git workflow that suits your team’s needs: centralized, feature branching, Gitflow, or GitHub flow.
- Adopting Branching Strategies
Implement branching strategies like feature branches, release branches, or hotfix branches based on your workflow.
- Utilize Git Hooks
Automate tasks or enforce policies with Git hooks. Examples include pre-commit hooks for code formatting or pre-push hooks for running tests.
Explore Git workflows and best practices with the Git Workflow Strategies documentation.
Day 7: Advanced Git Topics
Dive into advanced Git topics to further enhance your Git proficiency.
- Rebase vs. Merge
Understand the differences between rebasing and merging and choose the appropriate method for your workflow.
git rebase < base-branch > |
- Interactive Rebase
Rewrite commit history interactively for cleaner, organized commits.
git rebase -i <base-branch> |
- Git Submodules
Manage sub projects within your main Git repository using submodules.
Learn about these advanced Git topics and more with the Advanced Git Topics documentation.
By following this 7-day guide and practicing with code examples, you’ll understand Git version control and be ready to manage your projects efficiently and collaborate with others effectively. Hope you will continue with detailed explanations and documentation links for each day. Happy coding!